A Bunny Patrol in Wolf Gang’s Music Video: Lions in Cages

I was cast as a Bunny Patrol in Wolf Gang’s music video Lions in Cages, which is their 1st single from their forthcoming album. Its already had support from Radio 1, so hopefully it does really well. I shall put the video up when its available before Christmas. It was very interesting playing this role with 5 other bunny patrols. The video was directed by Dave Ma, with Pulse films production.

Pre-commitment on sale on DVD!!

Pre-commitment the short film comedy I played lead female Simeone, which has now earned 4 awards, is now on sale on DVD. It also includes Trevor Garlick’s other short Total Reaction which is another award winning short film. By purchasing the DVD, you get to see two award winning great short films, and also help Trinityxproductions acheive its first feature for 2011, heres the link for more details: Trinity X Productions

Pre-commitment wins 3rd Award, the LGBT at the Heart of England international film festival 2010

Very happy to say that Pre-commitment where i played lead female Simeone, directed and written by Trevor Garlick, won the LGBT award at the Heart of England international film festival 2010.  It is it’s 3rd award of the year, which proves what a great film it is, and so glad I am a part of it.

Bar Scene in ChiwiMerican

The filming of the bar scene where I play the girlfriend of the MMA Fighter was completed today. The comedy short film directed by Chris Chung follows 3 young men on an adventure that leads them into  mayhem, the bar scene is one of the places they do so. My role is quite fiery but in a humorous way, you even get to hear me shout Greek in it!!. Overall a very funny scene. It will be sent to various film festivals, and I can see it doing very well indeed. It has a diversity of comedy roles, and each to their individual bring great viewing, it had me in stitches when filming it! Will put up a trailer when its completed.

ChiwiMerican Short film

Happy to say i was offered a part in new upcoming short film ChiwiMerican directed by Chris Chung, its is a comedy short film by dynamic studios. I will play the part of a cage fighters girlfriend who gets chatted up in a bar but in the wrong way, which leads to confrontations and dramas. Filming takes place next week, so will have more information on my new exciting role.